11 Odd Ice Cream Flavors Worth Trying At Least Once
<Bone Marrow And Sweet Cherry>
Inspired by the quest for new ingredients, Portland, Oregon’s Salt & Straw roasts bone marrow and then blends in sweet cherries smoked with a touch of anise, fennel seeds, hickory, and aged in bourbon simple syrup to create this positively odd, but intriguing, flavor.
新しい材料への探究心から、ポートランドOregon’s Salt & Strawというアイスクリームショップは、牛の骨髄をローストしました。そして、少量のアニスという香辛料、フェンネルの種、ヒッコリーでスモークしたチェリーをバーボンシロップに漬けておき、骨と一緒にアイスに混ぜて出来上がり♪
Your morning coffee probably has almost as much sugar as the average dessert, so why not start off the day with a scoop of ice cream? Made from Blue Bottle Vietnamese Coffee, the folks at Humphry Slocombe in San Francisco add hot curry, smooth peanut butter, and candied almonds to their delicious, frozen confection for extra crunch.
モーニングコーヒーは普通のデザートと同じくらい甘い派ですか?それならばアイスクリームに変えてしまうのはどうでしょう?ベトナムコーヒーをベースにして、サンフランシスコのHumphry Slocombeの店主は熱いカレーと、とろとろにしたピーナツバター、それにカリカリ食感を出すためにアーモンドを加えました。
Pronounced “Ooh-beh,” this bright violet scoop of heaven combines purple yams indigenous to the Philippines with vanilla and tastes like a super decadent sweet potato. So far, the concoction is only available at Dave’s Hawaiian Ice Cream (there are several locations throughout the state), but it’s probably worth the long plane ride.
Ben & Bill’s in Bar Harbor, Maine invented lobster-flavored ice cream, probably because no one else was crazy enough to try it. The confectioners chop up cooked lobster meat, add a healthy amount of butter, and fold it into delicious ice cream. The Food Network and The Today Show have both done features on Ben & Bill’s insane, and insanely tasty, frozen treat.
メイン州にあるBen & Bill’sというお店が、ロブスター味のアイスクリームを作りました。誰も食べないかもしれないというノリで♪茹でたロブスターの身をぶつ切りにして、バターを加えアイスクリームと混ぜました。このクレイジーな食べ物にアメリカのグルメ番組も注目です!
Amy’s Ice Cream in Texas takes sweet cream and blends it with Belgium’s Callebaut bittersweet chocolate, cocoa powder, and wasabi. Yes, you heard right—the mouth-numbing green stuff that usually goes with sushi. This chocolate wasabi ice cream is hot, cold, and sweet all at the same time—it’s worth a try!